Dog Rehoming
We understand that life can throw us curveballs—and just as we’re committed to helping dogs, we’re also committed to helping you. If you are considering surrendering your dog, please contact us as soon as possible.
Our organization is ran solely by volunteer fosters and finding a temporary foster home takes time. Letting us know about your decision as soon as possible, and giving us as much time to prepare and find an available foster, will increase the chances that we’ll be able to take your dog in.
As per our adoption contract, all previous Diamond Dogs have to be surrendered to us and will always be accepted, as we are committed to ensure that none of our Diamond Dogs ever end up in a shelter.
“Rehoming Bailey was the hardest thing out of it all – more than finding a new place to live, packing up our house, moving out, downsizing and moving into an apartment that was half the size of our previous home. Once I found Diamond Dogs though, they made everything so much easier.
Amy didn’t rush me; she was patient and clearly explained everything. I never once felt judged; but instead, she was sincere and understanding. She kept apologizing for what I was going through. SHE was the one who was helping ME. It was as if she was a friend I had known for years.
We surrendered Bailey roughly a month after Amy and I first spoke on the phone. The minute I saw her, I just started balling. She hugged me and let me cry for as long as I needed to. We had already lost so much; and now, we were losing Bailey, too.
Bailey was a part of our family, and Diamond Dogs are angels for swooping him up and giving him the love and care he needed.
He was adopted shortly after he became a Diamond Dog, and he is already loved so incredibly much. I just can’t say enough about these amazing women or put into words how thankful I am that they stepped in to care for my baby when I no longer could.”